Download ngTagsInput 3.2.0

You can choose up to 4 ways to get ngTagsInput files:

Direct download

Older releases can be found on the releases page on GitHub.


CDNJS hosts both minified and unminified versions of all Javascript and CSS files.
Go to the ngTagsInput page and copy the links you want to use. Keep in mind that it might take some time for a recent release to be available.


npm install ng-tags-input@3.2.0 --save
NPM will download both minified and unminifed versions of the files. You may want to delete the ones you don't intend to use.


bower install ng-tags-input#3.2.0 --save
Bower will download both minified and unminifed versions of the files. You may want to delete the ones you don't intend to use.